Tuesday, April 17, 2007


♫♪i know you dont really see my worth.....

someday someones gonna love me
the way, i wanted you to need me....
sone day someones gonna take your place...
ooohh , someday, i forget about you...
you'll see i wont even miss you...

that someday has arrived....i mean i have let my past be blown and now i'm beginning to feel something for someone i truly can't have....his heart MAYBE belong to someone else...MAYBE his past is still there.....i know that i can never have him, i'm not even sure if he loves me or he just like me as his friend....no one would know who he is...even him whom i believe appreciate my worth..someone i can call a FRIEND....who he is? i will keep that as a BIG SECRET.......
what's important is that I'M HAPPY KNOWING HIM....and HE MAKES ME FEEL IMPORTANT....
