Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I don't know why i'm writing now, but one thing is that i miss blogging.. No new things for me, aside from seeing my bestfriend Eka after 3 months and my Bestfriend Reyzon after almost a year.. Still, I'm stuck with life I need to change, more than anything I need to GROW.. I need new air to breath, new people to meet, new things from new life, new environment to help me grow.. I'm stuck with this life.. I'm not complaining. but God knows what this heart wants to, what this soul wants to.. I'm stuck because I'm afraid of taking my chances and I'm afraid of rejection, but then i know i have to ..

Jackie told me about a job opening where Ma'am Noreen work.. There's a Event Associate at S-Cube i've seen even early last year and still have 10 vacancies. I just don't know where can i find the courage of applying for these jobs and other opportunities..

One thing, I'm not inspired to do my job anymore... I'm hungry for growth, challenge and discipline and experiences.

The reason why i can't leave this job this that i know that i need here... And that my boss told me before that i should find someone to replace me.. But until now, no one at this moment is interested.. I wish there is... I can't leave because I want to keep what i said.. I just need someone to replace me..

What will i do?

Am i stuck here till i get old?

i wish not...

Rescue me!