Tuesday, July 10, 2007

From Bianca G.'s Blog

i never had a chance to watch Inside the Actor's Studio, yet i found it interesting because of Bianca Gonzales.. She's my #1 Role Model for the Youth...She's a perfect example that she is just an ordinary Youth with an extraordinary way of living (well, i wish i can be like her!!! coz i really idolized this gurl!!! ) Go ate Biancs...

1. what is your favorite word?
Forgiveness + Love

2. what is your least favorite word?

3. what turns you on?
Sense of Humor..

4. what turns you off?
ARROGANCE! :s (same with Bianca's Answer)

5. what sound or noise do you love?
Water I Guess!!

6. what sound or noise do you hate?
Siren or Motorcycle Horn

7. what is your favorite curse word?
Wala ako maisip at this moment

8. what profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
News Anchor

9. what profession would you not like to do?

10. if HEAVEN exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
"You deserve a second chance, change to i what i want for you!!"