Monday, March 26, 2007

an open letter...again

no one,
i was thinking of things and my perception in life change? how my life actually change....i admire those men who are honest but then the probabilty of this are too small.....i keep asking myself, men usually forget things took everything they wanted and leave us empty handed..leave us with nothing....its hard to generalize men, but that what seems to be the truth..(for my own opinion, i guess!?)

i know this person for quite sometimes....but after what had happen, he doesnt seem to know me...why is it so easy for someone to forget? questions still haunt me...and i'm getting tired of this...even our friends notice that he has change..(in a way of our friendship i guess...) perhaps, he's thinking that i am still hurt..but i'm seems that i haven't influence him... end of this....

my sleepless night are yet insomia is back...i'm doing everything to sleep early but then no effect....i listen to mellow books......etc...i don't know what else to do...i want to adjust my body clock but what else can i do.......i'm tired....i'm sleepy at noon time.....:(