Thursday, April 26, 2007

lovers can be friends

somehow the cliché " Friends ca be Lovers, but Lover cannot be Friends",
can be "Friends ca be Lovers, but Lover can be Friends",
in my own opinion i guess...
for i believe that perhaps both parties have reasons
why they choose not to be friends or to be friends....

that thing is the one g0t hurts and the other one is the one who cause the hurt...
maybe the one who left feel awkward being friends with the one being left..
or the one being left still have his/her reasons not being friends with him/her..
its a reality in a ended relationship...

whats the real thing about this cliché?

and then ..........

i keep asking myself, when i know that i am the one who left alone..
i asked myself, am i ready to face me and offer my friendship....
since we started as good friends....actually the best of friends... inseparable...
but nothing has change, i still want to restore the friendship...
but since our communication has ended
h0w can we possibly be friends again...
question like is he willing to restore our friendship?
does our friendship means a lot to him?
always make me think?..
and we havent see each other and talk as friends.....

hmmm still i have questions...and it always fills my head every time i see my bestfriends Dhren.....
but it d0ent mean that i still love him the way i love him before...
things change....i've been hurt and cause a lot of pain to others
i have move on and i have let go...
n0w what i want is to prove that